Comprehensive LEP

Map with blocks marked out

The new plan formally commenced on 14 November 2022.  The new Local Environmental Plan (LEP) has been prepared to harmonise and consolidate the land-use planning controls that apply to the local government area (LGA).  This new plan is called the Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Local Environmental Plan 2022 .

The new plan has been prepared due to the local government amalgamations that occurred in 2016, and is the first step in implementing a comprehensive planning scheme for the Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional LGA. Other planning documents such as development control plans and contribution plans will also be updated and consolidated where necessary.

The existing LEPs of the former councils have been used to inform development of the standards and local provisions that are included in the new plan. The new plan primarily addresses inconsistencies between the respective planning instruments applying to the LGA for the plans to be combined into a single comprehensive planning instrument.  These inconsistencies are largely around differences in the permissible development in different zones under the various plans. When combining the existing plans, there has also been reordering of a number of clauses in the new plan.

Access the combined LEP here -

We have prepared a document with the Key Changes to Planning Controls in QPRC from 14 November 2022(PDF, 200KB).

Email Council’s Land-use Planning Team  if you have questions about the LEP.