All due care is taken by Cemetery staff when carrying out maintenance of this cemetery. Any items that are considered by the Cemetery staff to be untidy, broken, protruding so as to impede the daily maintenance or items considered unsatisfactory can and will be removed at their discretion.
Placement of flowers and the like should be confined to the immediate headstone area. Items placed outside the headstone confines will be removed.
Wreaths, sprays of flowers, fresh or artificial flowers can remain on the grave allotment until they are withered or dilapidated to a stage to be considered unsightly, provided they do not impede Cemetery staff.
Persons shall not plant flower beds, trees or shrubs or place tile, cement, chips or any other covering on or around a grave allotment.
Tins, bottles or unsuitable containers are not permitted on graves or the headstone area, after the headstone has been erected.
Plastic vases are available to those people who have no provision for a bronze vase. They are available in marked bins at various locations throughout the Cemetery.
Crosses may be erected on graves for a period of two years or until the headstone is erected.
Implements for the burning of candles are permitted, however they must be confined to the headstone area.
All headstones and plaques are to be installed by Council approved contractors. Glass or other unsuitable breakable containers are not permitted within the Cemetery. General maintenance of gravesites will be carried out by the Cemetery staff.
Any temporary or permanent concessions to the above rules from time to time, may be determined by the Cemetery staff or the Council.
All persons must obey any directions given by the Cemetery staff.