
1. Braidwood Lawn Cemetery

The Braidwood Lawn cemetery is located 600m south of the centre of town in Cowper Street. It is on the northern side of the street opposite the Old General Cemetery. For more information on the Braidwood cemetery call: 02 62856183 or 0408 247 019

2. Bungendore Lawn Cemetery

The Bungendore Lawn Cemetery is located on Osborne Street, Bungendore. For more information on the Bungendore cemetery call: 02 6285 6183 or 0408 247 019.

3. Queanbeyan Cemeteries

The Queanbeyan Lawn Cemetery and Memorial Gardens are set against the lower slopes of Mount Jerrabomberra on Lanyon Drive, Jerrabomberra. Scattered gum trees have been retained in a peaceful parkland setting, formalised by the traditional avenue planting of European species. The landscape of the Cemetery is one of peace, inviting relatives and friends a place to reflect. The Cemetery is open to visitors seven days a week from sunrise to sunset.

The various interment options include: Lawn Section, Lawn Services Section, Monumental Earth, Monumental Vault, Garden Crypts, Children's Section, Babies Section, Magnolia Garden, Camellia Court, Rose Garden and Bushland.

Queanbeyan’s current cemetery is nearing capacity and there is a requirement to develop a new memorial park within close distance of the major population centres. You can view more information on the proposed memorial park here.

4. Search our Cemetries

You can search the cemetery registers to locate plots in our Cemeteries. Search the cemeteries here.

For more information on the Queanbeyan cemeteries call 6285 6183 or 0408 247019.

5. Other Cemeteries

There are also cemeteries located at:

  • Majors Creek
  • Mongarlowe
  • Nerriga General Cemetery
  • Nerriga Catholic Cemetery
  • Araluen General Cemetery
  • Araluen Catholic Cemetery
  • Emu Flat/Gundillion

For more information on these cemeteries you can contact us on: 02 6285 6183 or 0408 247 019.

6. Fees and Charges

All fees are inclusive of GST

Bungendore Cemeteries  
Plot $850
Standard plaque (including freight) $1,050
Standard headstone $453
Interment  $1,750
Rose garden interment  $1,125
Interment of ashes in existing plot $600
Interment Services Levy (for burial)  $171.60
Interment Services Levy (for cremains) $69.30
Braidwood Cemeteries  
Plot $850
Reservations only for companion allotments $1,050
Standard plaque (including freight) $1,050
Standard headstone $450
Interment  $1,750
Rose garden interment (includes plaque) $1,125
Niche in wall (includes plaque) $520
Interment of ashes in existing plot $494
Interment Services Levy (for burial)  $171.60
Interment Services Levy (for cremains) $69.30
Queanbeyan Cemeteries - Lawn Cemeteries   
Single occupancy  $5,000
Double occupancy - 1st interment  $5,500
Double occupancy - both interments  $8,500
Second interment costs $3,000
Standard headstone and bronze plaque (including installation)  $1,650
Queanbeyan Cemeteries - Bushland Cemetery   
Rock single (ashes) $1,235
Rock double (ashes) $1,975
Single burial site - includes brown granite headstone $5,495
Queanbeyan Cemeteries - Babies' Lawn Section  
Maximum casket length 1.1 metres – up to four years of age  $810
Magnolia garden - up to 20 weeks gestation - includes plaque  $238
Queanbeyan Cemeteries - Children's Lawn Section   
Four to twelve years of age $1,780
Queanbeyan Cemeteries - Monumental Section  
Single occupancy  $9,000
Double occupancy - first interment $9,750
Double occupancy - both interments $13,000
Second interment costs $3,250
Vault - included ledge removal (all vaults double depth) $17,500
Ledger removal for monumental earth grave, if required $550
Queanbeyan Cemeteries - Ashes  
General/Services $1,000
Reservations $1,000
Remembrance rose garden $1,000
Crab apple trees $1,000
Relocation/removal of previously interred ashes $150
Memorial only - Methodist garden (customer to provide carved out rock and plaque)  $55
Queanbeyan Cemeteries - Ashes in new grave plot  
New plots suitable for burial - includes one ashes placement  $5,500
New plots unsuitable for burial - includes one ashes placement $1,500
Queanbeyan Cemeteries - Ashes in existing grave plot  
Lawn section $600
Monumental section $600 plus cost for ledger
removal and replacement
Queanbeyan Cemeteries - Riverside Cemetery  
Reserved plots, second interments and ashes placements only  Price on application
All QPRC Cemeteries - additional fees  
Burials on private property $3,500
Cemetery administration fee  $55
Burials on Saturdays $2,500
Burials on Sundays and public holidays  $3,500
Graves exceeding standard size or depth (>2099L and/or >699W) $400
Late fee (burials that arrive 3pm-4.59pm Monday - Friday) $550
Late fee (burials that arrive after 4.59pm Monday - Friday) $800
Memorial seat metal $5,810
Memorial seat timber $3,710
Open of grave for exhumation $4,500
Probe depth (discounted off second interment - if it proceeds) $250
Search records fee $95
Subsequent plaque proofs (after the first) $70
Interment Services Levy (for burial)  $171.60
Interment Services Levy (for cremains) $69.30
Islamic Section  
Islamic Section - including grave box and headstone (single occupancy only)  $6,225
4 to 12 years - including sleepers, blocks and headstone $2,196
21 weeks to 4 years - including sleepers, blocks and headstone $1,226
Islamic baby garden - up to 20 weeks gestation - includes plague $238

All fees and charges associated with our cemeteries are also in our 
current online version of our fees and charges which can be viewed here.

7. Closed Cemeteries

  • Braidwood Old General Cemetery
  • Bungendore Old Cemetery
  • Captains Flat
  • Queanbeyan Riverside Cemetery

If you are searching for family history records visit the www.austcemindex.com website.

8. Cemetery Regulations

Queanbeyan Lawn Cemetery

All due care is taken by Cemetery staff when carrying out maintenance of this cemetery. Any items that are considered by the Cemetery staff to be untidy, broken, protruding so as to impede the daily maintenance or items considered unsatisfactory can and will be removed at their discretion.

Placement of flowers and the like should be confined to the immediate headstone area. Items placed outside the headstone confines will be removed.

Wreaths, sprays of flowers, fresh or artificial flowers can remain on the grave allotment until they are withered or dilapidated to a stage to be considered unsightly, provided they do not impede Cemetery staff.

Persons shall not plant flower beds, trees or shrubs or place tile, cement, chips or any other covering on or around a grave allotment.

Tins, bottles or unsuitable containers are not permitted on graves or the headstone area, after the headstone has been erected.

Plastic vases are available to those people who have no provision for a bronze vase. They are available in marked bins at various locations throughout the Cemetery.

Crosses may be erected on graves for a period of two years or until the headstone is erected.

Implements for the burning of candles are permitted, however they must be confined to the headstone area.

All headstones and plaques are to be installed by Council approved contractors. Glass or other unsuitable breakable containers are not permitted within the Cemetery. General maintenance of gravesites will be carried out by the Cemetery staff.

Any temporary or permanent concessions to the above rules from time to time, may be determined by the Cemetery staff or the Council.

All persons must obey any directions given by the Cemetery staff.

Queanbeyan Bushland Cemetery

All due care is taken by Cemetery staff when carrying out maintenance of this cemetery. Any items that are considered by the Cemetery staff to be untidy, broken, protruding so as to impede the daily maintenance or items considered unsatisfactory can and will be removed at their discretion.

Placement of flowers and the like should be confined to the immediate headstone area. Items placed outside the headstone confines will be removed.

Wreaths, sprays of flowers, fresh flowers can remain on the grave allotment until they are withered or dilapidated to a stage to be considered unsightly, provided they do not impede Cemetery staff.

Persons shall not plant flower beds, trees or shrubs or place tile, cement, chips or any other covering on or around a grave allotment.

Tins, bottles or unsuitable containers are not permitted on graves or the headstone area, after the headstone has been erected. Plastic of any kind is not permitted within the Bushland Cemetery.

Crosses may be erected on graves for a period of two years or until the headstone is erected.

All headstones and plaques are to be installed by Council approved contractors.

Glass or other unsuitable breakable containers are not permitted within the Bushland Cemetery.

General maintenance of gravesites will be carried out by the Cemetery staff.

Any temporary or permanent concessions to the above rules from time to time, may be determined by the Cemetery staff or the Council.

All persons must obey any directions given by the Cemetery staff.