Bungendore Sports Hub project

  • Project value$7.9m (excluding pool)
Hard floor netball courts with spotlights

Work completed:

  • Bulk earthworks completed January 2021
  • Four hard surface netball courts have been constructed, including lighting
  • Two turf fields have been installed, including lighting.
  • Main facility building, including public toilets, change rooms, kiosk, multi-use room, is complete
  • Sewer pump station installed
  • Power to site designed, approved and connected
  • Improved drainage for the sports fields

What is next:

  • Installing four team dug outs, seating units for spectators, and field goals on the playing fields
  • Construction of a new netball pavilion, finalising car parking and road network, pathways and tree planting
  • Detailed civil, structural and engineering design of the new aquatic centre. This will be prepared by Mode Design

At the Council meeting on 14 August 2024, Council approved relocating the aquatic centre back to the northern side of the Sports Hub, adjacent to the netball courts. The southern location where it was intended to be situated is affected by overland flow from Halfway Creek and would require significant work to reduce flood risk if it was to be the site of the Aquatic Centre. 

Future works:

  • A working group has been formed for the aquatic centre which includes Bungendore residents, the Bungendore Rotary Club and Council staff
  • Grant applications have been submitted for the pool
  • $17M to the Federal Government’s Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program
  • $300K to ClubGrants
  • EOI for $5M grant funding to the Federal Government Complete Growing Regions fund
  • $2M funding has been been received from the Australian Government Investing in Our Communities program to construct the netball facility building, fencing, drainage, dugouts for playing fields, seating, solar panels, car park sealing, landscaping, pathways, preparing site for Men’s Shed.
  • Facility building to service the future 4 turf playing surfaces (pending funding)
  • 4 remaining turf playing surfaces (not funded)

Concept design of the Bungendore Sporting Hub

Funding sources:

This project is being funded by the Australian Government, NSW Government, development contributions and Council contributions.

  • NSW Government Stronger Communities Fund - $1.5m
  • NSW Government Stronger Country Communities Fund - $950,000
  • Australian Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (Phase 3) - $565,418
  • NSW Government Multi-Sport Community Facility Fund - $1.1m
  • Bungendore Section 7.11 Development Contributions - $1,178,907
  • Council Sewer Fund contribution - $659,712
  • Australian Government Investing in our Communities Program - $2m

Location map




15 Halfway Creek Road, Bungendore 2621  View Map

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