Council Meeting Summary - 26 June 2024

Published on 01 July 2024

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Here is the summary of last week's Council meeting.

The archived recording of the meeting is now available at:

  • Council approved Leave of Absence for Cr Michele Biscotti for 10 July, 24 July and 14 August meetings
  • Council heard from eight members of the public who made presentations about items on the agenda including: Discharge of Condition 2 (T Shaped Sheds) - The Albion Hotel - 119 Wallace Street Braidwood; Draft Climate Change Resilience Policy; Amended - QPRC Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Policy; Adoption of 2024/2025 Statement of Revenue Policy; Adoption of 2024-25 Integrated Plans; and Captains Flat Lead Management Network Terms of Reference.
  • Council noted a condition report on the T-shaped sheds at 119 Wallace Street, Braidwood, acknowledged the sheds are in state of disrepair and cannot be retained on site nor relocated to an alternative location on site. Council discharged Condition 2 of DA.2023.0273 on the issue of an amended plan showing the sheds removed with salvageable material made available for reuse on site
  • Council will place the draft Climate Change Resilience Policy on public exhibition for 28 days at
  • Council adopted the amended Public Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Policy. A report will be received with recommendations for a new fee for use of charging stations.
  • Council adopted the draft Integrated Planning documents, including the Operational Plan 2024-25 with amendments, approving expenditure and voting funds, following public exhibition. Council adopted the Long-Term Financial Plan, the Fees and Charges 2024-25, the Category H amendments to the Donations Policy and will seek public feedback on proposed new fee for property information as part of a sale
  • Council adopted the Revenue Policy 2024-25, including rates and annual charges, will provide a $40 voluntary pensioner rebate in addition to legislated rebate, and makes the rate for the 2024-25 financial year
  • Council approved the draft Terms of Reference for the proposed Captains Flat Lead Management Network with an amendment under ‘Role’ to add the words ‘including financial support for private land remediation and a viable disposal option’
  • Council endorsed the Braidwood Community Plan for public exhibition for 28 days at
  • Council adopted the Roadside Vegetation Management Plan and Policy
  • Council waived the requirement for external third-party certification under the Sustainable Design for Council Buildings Policy for the Monaro Street Upgrade
  • Council will consider installation of lighting at intersection of Sutton Road and Norton Road, Wamboin in the 2025-26 budget process
  • Council adopted the final Queanbeyan Integrated Water Cycle Management Plan and revised Queanbeyan Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade Business Case, will issue IWCM to NSW Gov for endorsement, use selective tendering for construction of QSTP
  • Council approved a Cultural Grant of $2,410 to Queanbeyan Junior Brass Incorporated towards costs for the 2024 Music Workshop
  • Council approved the final loan drawdown of $6.108m from NSW Treasury Corporation for the Nellie Hamilton Centre and authorised the use of the Common Seal for execution of loan agreement
  • Council received investment report for May 2024 and noted return of $1,225,132
  • Council received information report about the preparation of Plans of Management for Natural Areas
  • Council received information report about recruitment for the Director Infrastructure Services
  • Council received the quarterly outstanding rates information report
  • Council received information report with Questions With Notice about Shade Sails on Council Facilities with answers provided by staff
  • Council received information report with Questions With Notice about Customer Service and answers will be provided at the 10 July meeting
  • Council received information report with Questions With Notice about DA availability with answers provided by staff
  • Council received information report with Questions With Notice about Maintenance of Roads and answers will be provided at the 10 July meeting
  • Council received information report about the letter sent to the Prime Minister and the response received about the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
  • Council received information report about the letter sent to Heritage NSW and NSW Minister and response received about heritage funding
  • Council received information report about the letter sent to NSW Minister for Transport and response received about pedestrian safety in Bungendore
  • Council received information report about the letter sent to Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Development and response received about temporary fencing on Majara Street Bungendore
  • Council received information report about Councillor workshops held between 6-19 June including Operational Plan submissions, Finalise Operational Plan and Budget
  • Council noted minutes and recommendations of Heritage Advisory Committee on 30 May 2024
  • Council noted minutes and adopted recommendations of the Local Traffic Committee meeting on 4 June 2024
  • Council noted response from Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, will write to Minister for explanation of Government rejecting request that conservation management plan be prepared for local heritage items in Captains Flat affected by the lead remediation plan.

If you’d like more information about these matters, you can find the business papers and minutes on our website at:



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