Rates and water payments

1. Pay my rates and water

You receive a rates notice and a water usage notice four times a year. Rates payments are due on 31 August, 30 November, 28 February and 31 May. Water usage notices are issued separately and needs to be paid by the due date on the notice..

If you have multiple properties you will have different reference numbers for each property. This reference number directs your payment to the appropriate account.

You will have a different customer reference number for your rates account and water account.

Pay my rates

Pay my water

How do I pay my rates?

There are a number of payment methods available for our residents.

  • Pay your rates and charges online using our eServices website.
  • By calling the NAB secure credit card line on 1300 730 701 (credit card)
  • Direct debit from your account
  • By visiting any branch of Australia Post
  • BPAY – via telephone or internet
  • Cash/credit card at any of our customer service centres

2. How do I read my rates and water notices?

We operate under the base rating structure. Base rates enable each property to pay a similar amount for basic service provision and then the balance of the rate assessment is determined on the land value of the property (excluding value of dwelling).

What are the different charges on my rates notice?

Your rates notice will have multiple charges listed. Alongside general rates, we levy annual and service charges for:

  • Water Access Charges
  • Domestic Waste Management Charges
  • General Waste Charges
  • Business and Non-residential Waste Management Charges
  • Sewer Access Charges
  • Business Stormwater Management Charge
  • Residential Stormwater Management Charge
  • Residential Strata Stormwater Management Charge

These charges are all explained in detail in our Revenue Policy(PDF, 3MB) but read below for a simplified version.

General rates are listed on two lines. A base rate and ad valorem rate.

The base rate is intended to cover the cost of services and operations and the ad valorem is set to recover the cost of infrastructure. There are four rate categories: farmland, residential, business and mining. Within the residential and business categories, there are also sub-categories for different areas.

The ad valorem amount is a charge that directly relates to your land value. This is intended to ensure each property provides an equitable share for the cost of infrastructure based on their land value.

Water access charges will be listed on your rates notice if you have a water supply service connected or able to be connected to your property. Googong township residents will have an additional access charge for the recycled water supply. Access charges will depend on the size of the meter and range from 20mm-100mm.

Waste charges listed on your rates notice depend on the services that are available.

If you receive a kerbside collection service, a line on your rates notice describes the service you receive. For example, you might receive a three-bin collection listed as ‘Urban Domestic Garbage (140L Garb + Rec + Grn)’. This means that the property receives a service of a 140L garbage bin, recycling bin and a green waste/FOGO bin. There are different services available in different areas of Queanbeyan-Palerang.

All rateable land, except businesses, will also have a General Waste Charge on their rates notice. This contributes to designing, constructing and operating community recycling facilities like waste transfer stations, costs of managing the disposal of material dropped off at facilities, contributions toward remediation of old tips after they close, illegal dumping management, waste education, and roadside litter collection.

Liquid trade waste charges are applied to liquid waste other than sewage of a domestic nature. Liquid trade waste dischargers need approval from Council. An annual trade waste charge will appear on the annual rates notice, while usage charge will be issued with quarterly water notices.

Sewerage access charges will be listed on your rates notice if the property is connected to or able to be connected to a Council sewerage system.

Stormwater management services charges are charged to residential and business properties within Council’s urban stormwater catchment areas.

Water notice

We supply water to around 21,000 houses. 

Water and sewer usage will be issued on a separate quarterly water notice and is charged on a per kl basis.

How do I read my water notice?

Your water notice will contain the previous meter read/date and your current meter read/date. It shows the Kilolitres used, the amount charged per KL and the total charge.

If you believe that your meter read is incorrect, you should first compare your meter against the read on the water notice.  Please contact Council if the read is less than appears on your notice.

Image showing water meter reading


Download our information sheet on how to read your water meter(PDF, 10MB)

3. How are rates calculated?

Rate pegging

All NSW councils operate under the rate pegging system. We are restricted in how much we can increase the rate base by each year. The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal determines the rate peg amount. Historically, the rate peg has not met all increasing costs and does not meet the costs of new infrastructure or new services. It only applies to the general rates income, not to other fees that Council collects, such as water and sewer fees. If Council want to increase the general rate income by more than the rate peg, it must apply for a Special Rate Variation. In February 2023, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council resolved to apply for a Special Rate Variation of 18% per year for three years. IPART approved the application in June 2023.

Valuation of properties

The NSW Valuer General conducts valuations of properties in NSW at least every three years. The value of your property (excluding dwelling value) is used to calculate the amount of rates you pay. Land values are used to distribute the rates pool equitably. The effect of a change in land values on a rates notice depends on how the land value changes relative to other land values in the local government area. A revaluation of all NSW properties was conducted in 2022 to take effect from 1 July 2023. More information is available on the Valuer General's website.

Download the Valuer General newsletter about land values.(PDF, 102KB)

Special Rate Variation

QPRC applied for a Special Rate Variation of 18% per year for three years. The 18% applies to the total general rate income that Council receives.

IPART approved this variation in June 2023, and it took effect 1 July 2023. The rate variation applies to the general rate – this is the base rate and property value (or ad valorem) on your rates notice. 

4. Receive your rates notices electronically

Residents can register to receive rates instalment notices electronically from Council. There is no charge for this service and you can check your notices online at any time. You can also print, save and email your information. Once registered, rates notices will no longer be sent by mail, they will be emailed approximately one month before the due date.

Register to receive your rate notices by signing up below.  

Sign up

Registered users can login from the link below.


5. What if I need help paying my rates?

If you are having difficulty in making your payments, please contact us on 1300 735 025. We have a Financial Hardship Assistance Policy - Rates and Charges(PDF, 337KB)  which you can download. The policy sets out how you can manage your outstanding amount through a payment arrangement. If you wish to consider a payment arrangement please contact us.

If you are experiencing financial difficulty you can apply for rate relief by completing the Rate Relief Hardship Application form which can be completed online here

What happens if I do not pay my rates or water on time?

If you do not pay your rates on time, a Debt Recovery Agency will send a reminder notice. This occurs where debts remain outstanding for 14 days from the instalment due date and where the balance exceeds $100. If the outstanding debt is not paid within 14 days of the reminder notice, Council’s Debt Recovery Agency will proceed with the issue of a Demand Letter and where necessary, commence legal action.

6. Pensioner rebates

Under State legislation, some pensioners are eligible for concessions. The amount of the concessions available on an annual basis are fixed by legislation. At present, this concession is up to $250 for ordinary rates and charges for domestic waste management services. In addition, an $87.50 rebate applies to residents in the urban area for both water and sewerage charges. This means concessions of up to $425 per annum are available. In addition to this, Council also provides up to an additional $40 per annum for eligible pensioners.

You can download the Pensioner Concession Application Form here(PDF, 335KB) or complete the form online.

If you receive a pension or benefit you may be eligible for a concession even though someone else may jointly own and occupy the property. To obtain further information please phone us on 1300 735 025 or download the Fact Sheet here(PDF, 105KB)

7. 603 Certificates

A Section 603 Certificate is applied for by the purchaser/solicitor when purchasing a property and provides information relating to the property such as:

  • Property number and address
  • Current owners name
  • Legal description of the property
  • Rates and charges levied for the current year
  • Outstanding rates and charges
  • Water usage account outstanding
  • The cost of a Section 603 Certificate is payable on application

You can also request a combined Section 603 and special water reading certificate.

Once the certificate has been generated, you can call up to provide up-to-date information. This can be provided for up to six weeks from the date of issue shown on the certificate.

Apply online for your 603 certificate.